can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dear Diary,
It snowed here. I'm still recovering. It started coming down really hard at like midnight on Wednesday. So eventually this led to a hundred kids having a snowball fight on pac-man lawn at one in the morning. I made the bottom of a snowman but then some jerk broke it. The RAs were running around like, "could you please keep it down! it's past quiet hours!" We decided that they have no souls or senses of adventure.
I catered this party tonight, they said there was going to be 200 people. There were probably about 400 that stopped by at some point. Our buffet was gone in about a half hour, and when we ran out of alcohol at 8 there was outrage. I got to help pour wine frantically and I carded my first person. She looked about my age-ish. I felt silly carding someone when I am not even old enough to drink legally. But whatever, it's totally badass.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dear Diary,
I always start out these posts by thinking, "what made today special?" Usually I have something on my mind, but today I'm drawing a blank. They tried to feed us polenta at lunch, which is always upsetting, and at golf practice I must have hit a hundred balls with my 8 iron. Not to mention lots of other balls. I most likely set a world record for balls hit at a driving range. I"m like a machine.
I was talking to my mom on the phone earlier. She got distracted by the television- "Oh God! They're playing basketball on donkeys!" me- "Really?" her- "I suppose that is something you would do for a fundraiser." Like it was the most natural thing in the world. What ever happened to bake sales?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Dear Diary,
I played a lot of golf this weekend. 36 holes. I was really happy with my performance on about 3 of them. I'm working on improving that ratio dramatically, but that means lots of practice. We'll see how it goes.
On Saturday night I found myself out for dinner in honor of one of my friends 21st birthdays. She of course ordered a few cocktails and then tried to lead us in a rendition of the national anthem in the middle of the restaurant. I can only hope that mine goes as well.