can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Monday, July 18, 2005

Dear Diary,
You realize how simple your life is when finding a lost clip board makes your WEEK. I was so sad and lost, but now i feel great. didn't you hear? clip boards are the new lap tops.
My brother says that if you google "camp sealth" and "shamu" you get my website. i really hope that my former campers are not that tech savvy/obsessive. Speaking of my former campers, i miss them!!! the new ones all have the same middle name- Boring. I'm trying to give them a chance, but they have been around me for the last 26 hours, and they haven't laughed yet. their funny bones are all definitely broken or nonexistant.
Wally (female) and I decided to wear headscarves erykah badu style for the entire session. we look amazing. 2 days down, 5 to go. Wallys goal is to get her campers to imitate her style. my goal is as yet undetermined.