can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, June 17, 2005

Dear Diary,
From my new location i will probably only ever have like five minutes to post so i better make it good. I am worried that camp is something that you grow out of and maybe at some point in my 3 years away i did just that. But i am only saying this because i hate hate HATE the repeat after me songs that we have to sing at least 3 times a day. I was thinking that at some point i'll get used to it and even like it but that will not happen. Some of the people here really freaking like those songs still! and they are like 20! and they are really anal about not stacking the cups more than six high when we are cleaning up from a meal. because then they might fall. and that would be catastrophic. but honestly, there are nice people here even if none of them are boys and things are looking up.
i convinced this boy that his camp name should be Woca, like the white chocolate mocha. I can't believe he was so excited about it, but glad that i could help.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dear Diary,
I managed to find the computers at camp within half a day of being here.... so far we have played dorky games and i have pretty much the best camp name out of anyone. it's strange to introduce yourself as shamu. good thing i have this website so i won't forget my real name. there are like five boys and 60 girls here. well maybe ten boys. i'm not too worried about it though. everything seems smaller than it did when i was a camper here. it's kinda sad to come back and everything looks all little and dilapidated. and it's raining which sucks. but i have to go. the next ten days will be action packed.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Dear Diary,
You'd think that at ten o clock the night before i went to camp for over 2 months i would have more than just my sheets and towels packed. but you would be wrong thinking that! very wrong. because in fact that is all i have packed. but don't worry, i have done a lot of other productive stuff today, like gone to the eye doctor, picked up my tips from work, and spent all of the money in my checking account on two items of apparel. no worries though, the only things i'm going to be buying for the rest of the summer are bandaids and bugspray.
maybe two months of woods and fresh puget sound air will clear my brain, help me be less of a material girl. most likely not. my standard of living is getting a little out of control though. i felt that way today when i was walking around downtown listening to my ipod, carrying a nordstroms bag, and rummaging around in my purse for my vibrating cell phone. at least i was walking to the bus. no one can make you feel elitist for riding the bus. on the one hand, i paid for most of my things with money that i made myself so i shouldn't feel bad. but on the other hand, the only reason i got to keep that money was because my parents take care of all the hard stuff.
okay, packing now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Dear Diary,
oh man the new black eyed peas cd is good. "monkey business" one track is black eyed peas and jack johnson at the SAME time... can't believe it. that's almost too much of a good thing however i am not complaining.
I just found this polaroid of me and leah schneider at christmas a few years ago, she's in this cute pose, dressed as an "elf" meaning wearing a innappropriate miniskirt with tall elf socks and i am wearing a head to toe reindeer costume. This was for a promotional christmas sale at our work. How come she got the miniskirt and i was stuck wearing an incredibly heavy reindeer head with fuzzy antlers that kept falling forwards? We got to walk through the junction, me dressed as the reindeer, her leading me up to groups of people that wanted a picture with "Dasher." I haven't done anything like that in a while. It was a good time. 6 year olds LOVE you when you are a reindeer, i know from experience. I had forgotten all about it until i saw that picture. It's nice to find something like that, a reminder that I have done great things in my life. I should put it up somewhere prominent so whenever i am thinking that maybe i am a huge boring failure, i can be reminded that one time i was a reindeer, and that was awesome. no one can take that away from me!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Dear Diary,
painting is probably the lamest thing i could have thought to do with myself for this week. I can't believe how much i hate painting. so instead i do other things and the painting doesn't get done. for instance i just watched "captain corelli's mandolin" on DVD. It was the most disappointing movie of a book that i have ever seen. at least with "Roots" and "The thorn birds" they made miniseries where they at least had the time to do the actual story justice. captain corelli's mandolin needed at least for hours and it definitely did not need nicholas cage to fake an italian accent. it didn't need nicholas cage at all for that matter. people warned me that this movie sucked, but i didn't let that phase me because i have been known to like sucky movies. (e.g. "glitter" with mariah carey) the worst part was, that they completely left out all the parts that made the book hilarious, added a sex scene- which pelagia would NEVER have done in the book, she was NOT that kind of girl, and then they made the ending happy! the producers were like, "instead of making her wait for forty years for her lover to return, lets just whittle it down to one year so everyone goes home all warm and fuzzy. and oh hey! we can just kill off a bunch people who didn't have to die in the book to make it even" I'm just so mad at hollywood right now i can hardly bear to finish my InTouch weekly.