can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, June 03, 2005

Dear Diary,
Even at my relatively tame cafe workplace I have learned over the years not to be fazed by people who are completely insane. I can't imagine what it would be like to work at a wendys in the bad part of downtown where no one who comes in is in there right mind. But today it was pretty funny, this older guy came in who just sat down at a table, and as i was bussing other tables he was like "come on! take my order I can't walk" (even though he obviously walked there..) I told him that I would come by as soon as the line died down, but he was like, "No! I know what i want already! Bring me a bowl of chowder, and a hunk of salmon!" apparently he was just used to waltzing into restaraunts and demanding hunks of salmon and chowder. we settled him down with a turkey sandwich. He seemed okay with that. Sometimes the crazy people are the most satisfying to help, because they are the most grateful when someone actually makes an effort to accomodate their crazyness. I'm not talking about the demandingly picky women who want their every whim satisfied, but people who are actually a little bit nuts.
Today i spent 20 bucks on sunless tanner and intouch magazine. what is happenning to me.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Dear Diary,
I can see why people have jobs. if i didn't have my capers job before i go to camp, i would go crazy with boredom. I have one day off and I don't know what to do with myself. I fell asleep for four hours when i tried to read. My social life is lacking. I feel like i have too much free time even when i work for 8 hours. This would be a good opportunity for me to read some howard zinn and train for a triathalon. If you love me enough to read my website, and you live in seattle, why aren't you calling me to hang out?!
Did you guys know that bombastic is really a word? in the dictionary and everything.
I rode the water taxi today and went shopping at my favorite store downtown. I tried on all these hundred dollar jeans, and then since i couldn't afford those all of a sudden a 30 dollar tank top seemed like a deal. I am such a tool.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dear Diary,
I am turning into a terrifically organized human being. I think because I have been so busy, I am extra motivated to take care of business. This is a good thing. Because not only does being not busy = being disorganized it also = sad. what good is a rest for if you didn't earn it. it's useless and makes ME feel useless. i hate feeling useless.
I'm really torn. The parentals say I can drive my brother's truck stinky next year if I pay for the insurance. The thing is, the insurance is about $1000. plus 2 semesters of parking passes, which is like $400, and then gas. i have come to realize that a thousand dollars can buy you a whirlwind trip to europe at the end of the year, which sounds quite a bit more appealing than driving a small truck for 8 months. My fifteen year old self would be yelling at my nineteen year old self, "get the car, stupid! cars are cooler than anything ever!! what about your freedom!?" The thing is, being a state away from my parents gives me quite a bit of freedom. so much freedom that i don't think i need a car. I have a bike, and.... feet. I'm afraid I am growing up. becoming more practical. wiser even. Also, if i had a car, it wouldn't make sense to ride the train and i like riding the train.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Dear Diary,
Spent the day at the folklife festival. Saw what was described in the program as "in your face accordian music." It wasn't bad. Not how i expected to spend my day, and it only got better when i tried English country dancing and Contra dancing. It would have been much better if I was wearing a hoop skirt and knew what the hell i was doing. And had a nice young english country man to dance with me. But those are just details. The important part is, I expanded my horizons. Then i got cornered by this very forward woman who wanted me to come every third friday of the month to english country dance in the north end of seattle. I told her i would consider it. It was a bit awkward. How do you break it to someone that you don't think, although fun, english country dancing isn't your scene?
There were a ton of these irish dancing 10 year olds at folklife today who were amazing. Made me feel like I've been wasting my time all these years. I don't have any amazing skills like these girls do at such a tender age. I think i need a new quirky hobby. like quilting or tai chi. or maybe i could just get a website and use it to talk about things that i should be doing.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Dear Diary,
At home, adventure stories are harder to come by than when you are traveling. But don't be worried, i still have lots of fascinating blog fodder. i always do. today i went to ikea and ate swedish meatballs with Sarah #2. only got five. five seems like a lot, but apparently it's standard to eat like 15 in a sitting. that can't be good for you. The winning combination of H&M and Ikea probably make Sweden like the most original, and wonderful country that ever was.
I was looking at old camp pictures today, trying to channel whether my counselors looked like they were having fun, because soon i will be stepping into their Chacos. What i noticed the most is that they looked way older than me. I wonder how often i will be mistaken for a camper this summer. When i was going through customs last wednesday, the guy asked me how old i was and was absolutely dumbstruck when i told him i was 19. He told me i looked 15. apparently 15 year olds can't go through customs by themselves. good thing i'm a fifteen year old only in disguise. I can't wait till i'm fifty and can be a forty year old in disguise. then who will be having the last laugh. ME!