can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dear Diary,
I have noticed that the internet is the only constant in this crazy world. That and Sex and the City on DVD. Whenever things aren't going according to plan, you can just pop in season 1 part 1 and before you know it life is fun again. What I've noticed on sex and the city is that the four friends on that show are always hanging out, and doing fun things. They'll just randomly start a scene with them playing poker and drinking Coronas in one of their apartments, or they'll be at a Gucci fashion show or taking a trip to LA together... or be at a bingo hall run by drag queens. How do they think of so many fun things to do? They are very proactive in making their own lives exciting. (and have the added bonus of living in the most happening spot in the planet) Life doesn't happen to Carrie Bradshaw. Carrie Bradshaw happens to life. You know what I mean? God bless HBO.
I am glad that it's finals week next week because that means that the library stays open past 7 on saturday nights. so it looks like i have a hot date.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dear Diary,
I've noticed that the B- is a really popular grade to give out in college. I've decided that it can mean two things. Either, "you're pretty smart but you really didn't try here. I feel bad giving out C's to kids who have never gotten one in their lives, so how about a B-" Or it can mean, "Wow, that's really cute that you tried so hard, but you're still not smart enough to be taking this class." But I only get A's so what would I know about a B-.
Someone at my school decided to wrap all of the trees together with what look like humongus ribbons that are about 3 feet wide. It's sorta weird. I think it has something to do with the 6 girls I saw doing a choreographed dance in the reflecting pool on tuesday. It was quite involved. Drums and splashing all over the place. There were prospective students and their parents all over the place too. Ummm welcome to Lewis and Clark. But there was a storm last night and they all fell down, so someones hard work in harnessing all of the trees is completely ruined. In my humble opinion, there are better things that you could spend your time doing besides tying trees together for the sake of art.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Dear Diary,
I am realizing my brain's terrific capacity for remembering everything that is useless. I just downloaded this awful song that was popular in middle school, ("never ever" by all saints FYI) I never really even liked this song that much but somehow, 5 years later, i managed to sing the entire thing along with Itunes. Every word. I could also recite the first ten minutes or so of the movie "Newsies" if you asked me to. The rest of the movie is a little bit spottier, but I'm pretty sure it would come back quickly if I watched it once or twice.
Why can't I apply this skill to reciting the US Constitution or something? Or even better, how to conjugate irregular Spanish verbs? I'll tell you why. Because the Constitution doesn't rhyme or conjure up images of heartbreak like the song "never ever does". Spanish verbs don't have anything to do with cute scruffy boys with new york accents. Newsies does.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Dear Diary,
I will be home so soon I can't wait. It will be amazing..... I feel like I have a lot to look forward to these days. That's a good feeling. But sorry for the shortness, time to get back to the homework. Maybe I'll post tomorrow morning and tell you all the fun I had at the eyedoctor.