can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Dear Diary,
Now that so many people read my website, (I just got my thousandth page view!) I feel a lot more pressure to be witty, and I am drawing a blank.
Today Sarah #2 and I went shopping and bought a rug for her room. The only problem with this is that we had to take it on the bus back to the dorm, which is not the most convienient way to get a rug home. On the bus. People take their trunks for granted. In other parts of the world where people don't have cars with trunks in them, people have to expose to all of humanity what they decided to buy at pottery barn that day as they cart it home on public display. It makes you think twice about what you buy.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Dear Diary,
I just found out amazing news. Not only did Monica Lewinsky go to my college, she lived in my dorm. In copeland hall! Just like me! I wonder what wing?

Dear Diary,
you know what's the worst? when you embarass yourself on AOL instant messenger. you wouldn't think that was possible but it is. I just did it.
I decided to go to breakfast today, so I wouldn't be taking my International Affairs test on an empty stomach, and it totally worked. I totally aced it. Last time i totally aced it i got a C, but this time i really did totally ace it.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Dear Diary,
Today in her first class, Sarah fell out of her desk, taking the whole thing with her in an attempt to retrieve a pencil. There was a crash, everyone laughed, and now she is embarassed to go back on Friday. She was pretty torn up about the whole thing, and being a good roommate, I told her that in the cafeteria tomarrow, I would trip in front of a bunch of football players and drop my tray full of food in an attempt to alleviate some of her embarassement. and you know what she said? she said, "okay, but i'll have to be on the other side of the room so I don't get embarrased to be with you." I'm trying to be NICE here, to take one for the team, and she doesn't even want to be associated with me.

Dear Diary,
All I can think of today is how in the movie "Babe", the mouse who introduced all of the scenes in the movie introduced the scene after the sheep died by saying in his little mouse voice, "A sad day." That's how i feel about today. Its a sad day in the USA.
When I look at both of the people at my school who voted for Bush, I can't help but think, you breathe air, I breathe air, so WHY did you vote for Bush? In my opinion everyone who is smart enough to breathe air should also be smart enough to realize how many mistakes our president has made. GOSH!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Dear Diary,
I have been busy today taking care of business. I bought some hilighters, taped my finger puppets to the wall so they would be out of the way, vacumned, got a job application. I am getting my hectic life under control. Can you believe I was trying to go to college without a decent hilighter? What's next on the agenda, organizing my shoes? dusting my printer and speakers? doing homework?
One thing I've noticed in college is that you have to watch your stuff like a hawk, or it's going to get messed with. For instance, this pumpkin I have keeps getting stolen by the people who live down the hall. Even worse, someone who shall remain nameless (ERIC FROM COLORADO WHO LIVES IN "A" WING OF COPELAND, IS ON THE GOLF TEAM AND SHOPS AT EXPRESS MEN) used up all of the tape in my labelmaker, and no one even said he could touch it! The nerve!

Monday, November 01, 2004

This is me and Sarah on Saturday night. I am Captain Underpants and Sarah is an Anime Barbie. I was low budget and creative. notice the chip clip and the hand towel? those are functional in more ways than you would think.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Dear Diary,
It is halloween. and i don't have any candy. this has never happenned to me in all of my life. all i have is spanish homework instead. LAME! I didn't go trick or treating for the first time in history. I didn't think you were supposed to in college. I need to find some little kid who doesn't want the candy that they got trick or treating and would be willing to give it to me. Tomarrow Sarah and I are going to Fred Meyer to get the halloween candy at half price. but it won't be the same.